Message from the Chair of Board of Trustees

13 Oct 2021 by HJIHC Chair

Dear Members,
I feel very privileged to be elected as a Chair of Haringey Hounds Junior Ice Hockey Club Board of Trustees.
I would like to thank each and every one of you for putting your trust, and support in me.
I would also like to thank Adam, Olwen and Patty for all their dedication, commitment and engagement that has kept our Club going.
The Club needs to continue to preserve and develop their philosophy of being one of the friendliest in the UK. Further, we need to safeguard and improve the Club’s operational and financial stability, to ensure the current and future players, coaches and volunteers feel that they are a part of organisation that supports them, values them and will give them the opportunity to become the best version of themselves.
I can not do it alone. Only together, with the help of all Members, can we maintain and improve the Club’s success.
But today I am humbled and appreciative.
I look forward to the future.

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